
WELCOME ... why are you here?

 Hey everybody! I'm Ari and I'm bored.   I buy LOTS of stuff and give honest reviews on amazon.  I even try to be sure to include pictures and videos where I can because when I buy stuff, I look for that.  Pictures typically mean proof they touched the product.  I currently have 122 reviews on amazon and 58 people have said at least one of them was helpful. You can go look at my amazon profile over here ! Don't worry, it opens as a new window. And I'm willing to give honest reviews over YOUR stuff too.  And I do mean honest.  If I don't like something I am going to explain why I don't like it, but I will also explain why someone else might. If i love it, I'm going to explain why I love it, and why you might not. But I want to review things off of amazon as well as on and be an easy place for people to find them.  Oh, that amazon link? not only will it donate to charity but i get a small percentage of whatever you buy, no out of pocket to you.  They give awa
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